nihon lock service nihon lock service


JP /  EN

Construction and maintenance

Business guide

We can provide a total security solution such as designing, constructing and maintaining.
Our well-assorted inventory and a nationwide network with reliable and proven collaborators provide best solutions.
To offer high-quality services nationwide, we are working on training engineers, complying with laws and regulations, and supporting qualifications acquisitions.

Reliable and proven techniques

From the time of its founding, nls has tried to establish and spread advanced techniques by research and development with many manufacturers and business partners.
We have a proven security constructing track record for various types of constructions/environments : government offices, office buildings, commercial facilities, hospitals and housings
A wide range of products and parts stock available at all time and you can get our professional technical service at all stages.

Reliable and proven techniques

Reliable and proven techniques

Reliable and proven techniques

Our main services

"nls network"

nls network

“nls network” is a technical service network to realize our philosophy: safety , security and convenience/comfort.

nls offers various business supports to the network member companies.

3 elements that make up "nls network"

nls network



An organization pursuing knowledge, technique, moral and quality at high-level as a group of skilled people working in security industry.

nls network

Security Smith

Security Smith

The person who passed exam to check mastering its technique and philosophy of our unique title called "Combination Bouhan Academy(CBA)".

nls partner : nationwide construction subcontractors

nls partner : nationwide construction subcontractors

Corporations and sole proprietors outsourced by nls


Please contact below for inquiries.

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